H5036253 -Buyers Hydraulic Gear Pump With 1 Inch Keyed Shaft And 2-1/2 Inch Diameter Gear
H5036253 -Buyers Hydraulic Gear Pump With 1 Inch Keyed Shaft And 2-1/2 Inch Diameter Gear
The H50 Series Hydraulic Gear Pump with Keyed Shaft from Buyers Products is a sturdy, heavy duty bi-rotational pump that can be 2-bolt or 4-bolt mounted in an SAE B mount.
This pump handles greater flow rates up to 54 GPM for a 2-1/2 in. gear width. Choose from a range of models with flow rates and pressure ratings to meet your working needs. All of the models feature a 1 in. keyed shaft.
Displacement: 6 in 3/r
Flow: 27 GPM
Gear Width: 2.500"
Imput Mount Type: Integral Bracket
Material: Cast Iron
Mount Type: SAE B 2/4 Bolt
Shaft Size: 1
Shaft Type: Round/Keyed
Ports(Rear/Side): Rear/Side
Inlet Port Size: 1-1/4 NPT
Maximum Pressure: 2500 PSI
Direct or Remote Mount: Remote Mount
Outlet Port Size: 1-1/4 NPT
Rotation: Bi-Directional
Gear Size: 2.5"
Flow At 600 RPM: 16.20 GPM
Flow At 1000 RPM: 27 GPM
Flow At 1800 RPM: 48.60 GPM
Flow At 900 RPM: 24.30 GPM
Flow At 1200 RPM: 32.4 GPM
Flow At 1500 RPM: 40.50 GPM
Flow At 2100 RPM: 56.70 RPM
Side Port Size: 1-1/4 NPT
Rear Port Size 1 -1/2 NPT
The H50 Series Hydraulic Gear Pump with Keyed Shaft from Buyers Products is a sturdy, heavy duty bi-rotational pump that can be 2-bolt or 4-bolt mounted in an SAE B mount.
This pump handles greater flow rates up to 54 GPM for a 2-1/2 in. gear width. Choose from a range of models with flow rates and pressure ratings to meet your working needs. All of the models feature a 1 in. keyed shaft.
Displacement: 6 in 3/r
Flow: 27 GPM
Gear Width: 2.500"
Imput Mount Type: Integral Bracket
Material: Cast Iron
Mount Type: SAE B 2/4 Bolt
Shaft Size: 1
Shaft Type: Round/Keyed
Ports(Rear/Side): Rear/Side
Inlet Port Size: 1-1/4 NPT
Maximum Pressure: 2500 PSI
Direct or Remote Mount: Remote Mount
Outlet Port Size: 1-1/4 NPT
Rotation: Bi-Directional
Gear Size: 2.5"
Flow At 600 RPM: 16.20 GPM
Flow At 1000 RPM: 27 GPM
Flow At 1800 RPM: 48.60 GPM
Flow At 900 RPM: 24.30 GPM
Flow At 1200 RPM: 32.4 GPM
Flow At 1500 RPM: 40.50 GPM
Flow At 2100 RPM: 56.70 RPM
Side Port Size: 1-1/4 NPT
Rear Port Size 1 -1/2 NPT